why is badminton a good game to help maintain

why is badminton a good game to help maintain

Nosotros at BadmintonBites evidently think badminton is the best sport out there – that'south why we made this website! But how nigh y'all and your friends? Need a little more than convincing? It seems pretty obvious to us…only it's understandable if you couldn't quite put your finger on why you keep coming back to badminton. Let's get to it!

1. Inclusive – Great for All Ages and Friendly to Disabilities

Badminton is one of the few sports that is neat for all ages since it is a not-contact sport and has very light equipment. This makes it easy to selection up a racket and baboon and merely start playing! (Don't mistake this easy-to-get-started holding of badminton as being easy-to-master though, since information technologycertainly isn't). Since badminton is a non-contact sport, you don't accept to worry about players tackling or pushing each other. This makes badminton ideal for a family activity or a social gathering among friends, fifty-fifty with minimal knowledge of what badminton fifty-fifty is. Simply brand sure to warm upwards and avoid/preclude mutual badminton injuries! Oh, and too please don't run into each other on courtroom or even worse – walking on other people'due south courts, that's a big no-no.

What's fifty-fifty more impressive is that badminton is also inclusive of disabled people. In fact, BWF (Badminton Globe Federation) even has a defended league chosen para-badminton that features athletes with disabilities. There are several different categories depending on the player's capabilities such as if they require a wheelchair or not. If you are or know someone who is disabled and is looking for an amazing sport to join, badminton is perfect! For inspiration, only cheque out these amazing para-badminton players.

2. Fast Paced and Intense

Badminton is thefastest racket sport in the world. Faster than ping pong, faster than lawn tennis, and faster than squash. In fact, it'south fifty-fifty faster than golf (the ball speed, non but the gameplay!). This makes badminton not merely exciting to play, but also incredibly exciting to watch. It keeps players engaged with the game because anybody on court needs to stay aware and ready for the side by side shot.

The fast pace of badminton is complemented with a loftier intensity, which we define equally the pct of time played in a rally (rather than when you're at rest in-between points). In other words, the gameplay time percentage. To requite you a benchmark every bit to how badminton compares with lawn tennis, a study chosen A Comparison of Heart Rate Responses in Racquet Games past Dr. Docherty found that tennis players were in rallies for 5 minutes of every 30 minutes of gameplay while badminton players were in rallies for ten minutes of ever thirty minutes of gameplay – twice as long!

The fast footstep and high intensity of badminton alone keep players craving for more. There'south nothing like the adrenaline blitz you become from blocking blazing fast smashes or attacking with a flurry of rapid drives. Try it out and you might just get fond (in a good style!). Cheque out this compilation of the fastest badminton smashes to get you pumped!

3. Healthy and Constructive for Weight Loss

Badminton, perhaps contrary to popular belief, is a cracking sport to keep you healthy and fit and will even help you lot lose weight. It is intense, burns fat, and builds muscle through its constant date of your aerobic and anaerobic systems. Badminton is approximately 60-seventy% aerobic and 30-xl% anaerobic, giving yous the benefits of both. The benefits of aerobic exercises include increased stamina, a strengthened heart, and even a longer life. Anaerobic exercises on the other hand assistance strengthen basic, burn fat, build muscle, and maintain musculus mass. You become the best ofboth worlds!

If you lot're looking to lose weight, badminton is a fun and effective choice. Nosotros did some calculations, and nosotros found that you lot could hands lose 10 pounds in a year just by playing 3 hours a week at a medium intensity! That's pretty much just a unmarried session a week, and it won't even experience like a chore. But imagine how much weight you can lose if you played more than. Oh expect, nosotros calculated that out for you already. The catch though? You can only eat back half the calories that you lot burned (in addition to your normal calorie needs). That's the hard part – the eating. We tin can certainly sympathize because nosotros dearest to eat, but sacrifices must be made and we know yous tin can do it. You got it!

4. Cracking Style to See People

Badminton brings people together as it is a highly interactive activity with a passionate community behind it. Players tend to attend badminton sessions frequently as part of their weekly schedules and you'll probable become expert friends with many of the players. We at BadmintonBites certainly accept – in fact, we probably met almost of our all-time friends through badminton!

It goes without proverb that players you meet volition have at to the lowest degree a common interest in badminton with you and you can frequently take the time in-between games to get to know players meliorate or ask for tips and tricks to assist improve your own gameplay. Furthermore, players love to eat together (but be careful not to over swallow if you're looking to lose weight!) after an intense session of badminton which makes for some other neat opportunity to connect more than with people. Who knows, maybe y'all'll find great job connections, life-long friends, a significant other, or all of the in a higher place – we've certainly seen them all.

v. Dynamic

Badminton is an incredibly rich and dynamic sport that will ever make yous want to come back for more than. Every situation on court, while usually familiar to an experienced player, has tiny differences which can make or intermission a point. Even professional badminton players who accept trained their whole lives rarely play rallies that are the aforementioned. This makes information technology so players ordinarily cease upwardly thinking on their toes at disquisitional moments rather than going by a script, making for a fun and unique experience every time.

Moreover, badminton play styles span a broad range, making for lots of variety when you lot play against different players. Perhaps the reason why this is the case is because badminton frequently gives players many feasible options for them to cull from in most situations. Just take the post-obit equally an example when someone lifts to you.

Should you smash towards the line or to the heart? Or perchance practice a driblet instead? Or should y'all button your opponent to the back of the court and follow up to the front of the courtroom?

The options are endless, which actually encourages players to brand their own style. We put together a sample of what type of shots are in badminton, but information technology actually is just the tip of the iceberg. Every bones shot tin can have its ain spin (perhaps literally!) to it and y'all can brand it your own. That's the dazzler of badminton, you create your ain style, your own strategies, and ultimately, your ain histrion.

six. Many Skill Levels

Badminton has many, many, MANY skill levels to it. And by that, I mean that at that place is pretty much always a manner to improve your gameplay – whether information technology be physically or technically. And there will always be better players for y'all to challenge and learn from, unless y'all're peradventure 1 of the Greatest Badminton Players of All Fourth dimension.

Just have a moment and think most all the players that you've played with. You can put each thespian into different tiers – or rankings – dependent on overall skill level, physical power, and game sense. A tier list if you will. You would pretty much have an A tier, B tier, C tier, etc until you have plenty to successfully categorize each person, with a certain tier containing players that are around the same level.

At this point, you probably already have a good number of tiers. Now, expand that to the players of the whole world. That's a lot of tiers! Accented beginners, coincidental players, players in grooming, state level players, national level players, international level players, the tiptop international players, and of class the legends of badminton. These aren't even finely tuned tiers – they can be broken downward even more than if you wanted to! Even amidst the pros, you'll meet massive differences in score lines if they are on different levels. But look at how easy it is for a summit 10 player in the earth to dismantle a pinnacle 100 level role player. Plainly, they're both quite proficient at badminton, but the top 10 role player is really at a dissimilar level.

This whole talk about badminton levels shouldn't scare you abroad from playing badminton, but rather to go youexcitedwell-nigh playing badminton. At that place's then much room for improvement and seeing yourself continually go better throughout your badminton journeying is and so rewarding and fun. Information technology's something to expect forward to and something to be proud of. The feeling of learning a new skill, improving your game sense, or fifty-fifty but simply hitting harder is i that will get you pumped upwards and wanting to improve fifty-fifty more.

7. Unique Play Styles

Every single person's badminton play mode is unique. While play styles may be similar and broadly categorized into something like "command", "attack", or "defense" oriented, players ultimately brand upward their ain unique overall play manner. This broad diverseness makes for interesting and fresh gameplay equally y'all play badminton each fourth dimension. Moreover, play styles don't stay the same, but rather evolve over time, adding even more than variety in the gameplay.

Although everyone ends upward learning the aforementioned basic fundamental shots, each person does not end up playing like anyone else – why is that? The answer is non equally uncomplicated every bit just "actor A hits harder than player B, therefore they're different", just rather lies amidst the many aspects of badminton. In gild to sympathize it a bit amend, y'all tin can dissect badminton into many different layers. Some basic layers would exist physical abilities, footwork, shot execution, shot toolkit (what shots y'all know how to do), and game sense. There really can be as many layers as you tin care to call back of, but you tin can use this as a bones structure to assist you think a fleck differently about badminton.

The evolution of every layer in badminton helps build your own unique play way. What you end up working on in each layer and what you prioritize ultimately makes y'all the player you volition become. You may focus on lots of lower trunk force to jump higher and learn how to boom really steeply or you may run a lot to increase your endurance. It truly is the ultimate "build-your-own-histrion" feel and the possibilities are endless.

To farther our layers model, the layers that y'all can piece of work on are non completely contained from each other. The aspects of badminton crossover between the dissimilar layers that farther differentiate our ain play styles from others. For example, if you were to strengthen your legs (i.e. physical ability) through something like squats, you may terminate up increasing your capability for ameliorate footwork or increase your capability for potential shot execution as you can now motion into position easier. The interplay between the layers ends up further increases the possibilities of our play styles and makes badminton that much more interesting.

Lastly, your playing equipment tin can influence and complement your play style since equipment is typically designed with a specific purpose in listen. Take Yonex rackets for example – each series is catered to certain play styles, which yous can explore below.

We also recommend learning about other badminton equipment, which y'all tin view in our Badminton Equipments page.

viii. Fun!

Final, but certainly not least, badminton is fun, fun, fun! The social, technical, and strategic aspects of badminton brand information technology and so in that location's something for each player to love even if players have very different styles and interests. It's a game where you larn something new every time you lot play it and gives yous an feel like no other.

Mayhap one of the near compelling and entertaining reasons why players around the globe go on coming dorsum to play badminton is because of the spectacular moments in badminton. These are the unpredictable moments where a role player pulls off a crazy fob shot or an amazing salvage. You won't know when or how these moments volition happen only when they do, y'all'll remember them forever. This is badminton at its all-time and is certainly the thing that makes uscrave for more. Just cheque out some of these amazing rallies and crazy saves and you'll know what we mean!

The combination of all of the above attributes of badminton make it our become to sport. Information technology is social, it is deep, it is dynamic, it is healthy, and most of all it'due south fun. We promise nosotros convinced you about why badminton is the all-time sport out in that location – and if non, go picket the above videos again! Now go play!

BadmintonBites is all well-nigh honest and authentic badminton content. Every slice of content is reviewed by the 2 BadmintonBites founders who accept had over 15 years of badminton feel each in guild to ensure that the data is accurate and honest.

If you'd like to support us, delight consider condign a patron at https://world wide web.patreon.com/badmintonbites, nosotros'd really capeesh information technology.

The goal of BadmintonBites is to create real value for the badminton community, which is often plagued with subpar or downright false content on the net. Badminton deserves so much more and we're here to share our experience and expertise with you. Yous can read more nearly BadmintonBites and our purpose on our About Us page.

As you tin can see from our Badminton Equipment page, nosotros accept plenty of high quality information and honest reviews of products that are so oftentimes lacking on badminton sites. Cheque them out and you'll come across the departure betwixt our content and everything else out there.

We would love to have you with us on our badminton journeying and nosotros promise to provide you with every bit much value as possible. If you desire to stay upwardly to date on our content, subscribe to our electronic mail list beneath. As a welcome gift, we take included a free downloadable PDF in the first electronic mail.

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Badminton Tactics Free PDF

Here'south some guides and reviews on badminton products. We update this list whenever we add new equipment content – hope you enjoy!

Equipment Type Product Category
Numberless Yonex Badminton and Lawn tennis Bags
Yonex Pro Racquet Pocketbook (9 PCS) Review
Grips Yonex Grips
Yonex Hullo Soft Grap Review
Yonex Super Grap Review
Yonex Tacky Fit Grip Review
Kimony KGT109 Grip Review
Badminton Grip Buyer's Guide
Rackets Yonex Astrox Series
Yonex Duora Serial
Yonex Nanoflare Series
Yonex Nanoray Series
Yonex Voltric Series
Victor Auraspeed Series
Best Rackets for Beginners
All-time Rackets for Intermediate Players
All-time Rackets for Swell
All-time Rackets for Control
Badminton Racket Buyer'south Guide
Astrox 77 Review
Shoes Yonex Shoes
Shoe Products
Shuttlecocks Ultimate List of Badminton Shuttlecocks
Yonex Shuttlecocks (Feathered)
Yonex Shuttlecocks (Synthetic)
Yonex Aerosensa 30 (As-thirty) Review
Yonex Aerosensa fifty (As-50) Review
Victor Shuttlecocks Overview
Victor AirShuttles
Li-Ning Shuttlecocks Overview
Strings Victor and Ashaway Strings
Yonex Strings
Best Badminton Strings for Beginners
Misc Yonex Accessories Guide
8 Pieces of Equipment Every Badminton Thespian Needs
Everything Badminton's Fitness and Footwork eBook Review
16 All-time Gifts for Badminton Fans

why is badminton a good game to help maintain

Posted by: campbelldesets.blogspot.com

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