what are the movementsfor badminton playing

what are the movementsfor badminton playing

Racquet sport

Olympics 2012 Mixed Doubles Final.jpg

Two Chinese pairs compete in the mixed doubles gold medal match of the 2012 Olympics

Highest governing torso Badminton World Federation
First played 19th century
Contact None
Team members Singles or doubles
Mixed-sexual activity Yes
Type Racquet sport
Equipment Shuttlecock, racquet
Olympic 1992–present
World Games 1981

Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the nigh common forms of the game are "singles" (with i player per side) and "doubles" (with ii players per side). Badminton is oftentimes played as a casual outdoor activeness in a thousand or on a beach; formal games are played on a rectangular indoor courtroom. Points are scored past striking the shuttlecock with the racquet and landing it inside the opposing side'southward one-half of the court.

Each side may but strike the shuttlecock one time earlier it passes over the cyberspace. Play ends once the shuttlecock has struck the floor or if a fault has been called by the umpire, service judge, or (in their absence) the opposing side.[one]

The shuttlecock is a feathered or (in informal matches) plastic projectile which flies differently from the balls used in many other sports. In item, the feathers create much higher elevate, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly. Shuttlecocks too have a high top speed compared to the balls in other racquet sports. The flight of the shuttlecock gives the sport its distinctive nature.

The game developed in British India from the earlier game of battledore and shuttlecock. European play came to be dominated by Denmark but the game has become very popular in Asia, with recent competitions dominated by Cathay. Since 1992, badminton has been a Summer Olympic sport with four events: men's singles, women'southward singles, men's doubles, and women's doubles,[2] with mixed doubles added iv years later. At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, forcefulness, speed, and precision. It is too a technical sport, requiring proficient motor coordination and the evolution of sophisticated racquet movements.[3]


Games employing shuttlecocks accept been played for centuries across Eurasia,[a] merely the modernistic game of badminton adult in the mid-19th century among the expatriate officers of British India as a variant of the before game of battledore and shuttlecock. ("Battledore" was an older term for "racquet".)[4] Its exact origin remains obscure. The name derives from the Knuckles of Beaufort's Badminton Business firm in Gloucestershire,[5] but why or when remains unclear. As early on as 1860, a London toy dealer named Isaac Spratt published a booklet entitled Badminton Battledore – A New Game, but no copy is known to have survived.[6] An 1863 article in The Cornhill Magazine describes badminton as "battledore and shuttlecock played with sides, across a cord suspended some five anxiety from the ground".[7]

The game originally developed in Bharat amidst the British expatriates,[eight] where it was very popular by the 1870s.[half dozen] Brawl badminton, a form of the game played with a wool ball instead of a shuttlecock, was being played in Thanjavur as early equally the 1850s[9] and was at first played interchangeably with badminton by the British, the woollen ball being preferred in windy or wet weather.

Early on, the game was also known as Poona or Poonah after the garrison town of Poona,[eight] [10] where information technology was particularly popular and where the first rules for the game were drawn upwardly in 1873.[six] [seven] [b] Past 1875, officers returning home had started a badminton order in Folkestone. Initially, the sport was played with sides ranging from 1 to 4 players, but it was quickly established that games between two or 4 competitors worked the best.[iv] The shuttlecocks were coated with Republic of india rubber and, in outdoor play, sometimes weighted with lead.[4] Although the depth of the net was of no consequence, it was preferred that it should reach the basis.[four]

The sport was played under the Pune rules until 1887, when J. H. Eastward. Hart of the Bath Badminton Social club drew up revised regulations.[five] In 1890, Hart and Bagnel Wild again revised the rules.[6] The Badminton Association of England (BAE) published these rules in 1893 and officially launched the sport at a house called "Dunbar"[c] in Portsmouth on 13 September.[12] The BAE started the showtime badminton contest, the All England Open up Badminton Championships for gentlemen's doubles, ladies' doubles, and mixed doubles, in 1899.[5] Singles competitions were added in 1900 and an England–Republic of ireland title lucifer appeared in 1904.[5]

England, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Denmark, French republic, Ireland, holland, and New Zealand were the founding members of the International Badminton Federation in 1934, at present known equally the Badminton World Federation. India joined equally an chapter in 1936. The BWF now governs international badminton. Although initiated in England, competitive men'southward badminton has traditionally been dominated in Europe past Denmark. Worldwide, Asian nations accept become dominant in international competition. Mainland china, Kingdom of denmark, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, South Korea, Taiwan (playing as 'Chinese Taipei') and Nippon are the nations which accept consistently produced world-class players in the past few decades, with Mainland china beingness the greatest force in men's and women'south contest recently.

The game has likewise become a popular backyard sport in the United States.


The following information is a simplified summary of badminton rules based on the BWF Statutes publication, Laws of Badminton.[13]


The court is rectangular and divided into halves by a net. Courts are usually marked for both singles and doubles play, although badminton rules permit a court to be marked for singles but.[xiii] The doubles court is wider than the singles courtroom, but both are of the same length. The exception, which oftentimes causes confusion to newer players, is that the doubles court has a shorter serve-length dimension.

The full width of the court is six.1 metres (20 anxiety), and in singles this width is reduced to 5.18 metres (17.0 anxiety). The total length of the court is 13.4 metres (44 feet). The service courts are marked by a centre line dividing the width of the court, by a short service line at a altitude of 1.98 metres (6 anxiety 6 inches) from the net, and by the outer side and back boundaries. In doubles, the service courtroom is also marked past a long service line, which is 0.76 metres (2 feet 6 inches) from the back boundary.

The net is 1.55 metres (5 feet ane inch) high at the edges and 1.524 metres (five.00 anxiety) loftier in the centre. The net posts are placed over the doubles sidelines, even when singles is played.

The minimum height for the ceiling to a higher place the court is not mentioned in the Laws of Badminton. All the same, a badminton court will non exist suitable if the ceiling is likely to be hitting on a high serve.


The legal bounds of a badminton court during various stages of a rally for singles and doubles games

When the server serves, the shuttlecock must laissez passer over the short service line on the opponents' court or it will count as a fault. The server and receiver must remain inside their service courts, without touching the boundary lines, until the server strikes the shuttlecock. The other two players may stand wherever they wish, then long equally they practise not cake the vision of the server or receiver.

At the beginning of the rally, the server and receiver stand in diagonally contrary service courts (see court dimensions). The server hits the shuttlecock so that it would country in the receiver's service court. This is similar to tennis, except that in a badminton serve the whole shuttle must be beneath ane.15 metres from the surface of the court at the instant of being hit by the server'south dissonance, the shuttlecock is not allowed to bounce and in badminton, the players stand inside their service courts, different lawn tennis.

When the serving side loses a rally, the server immediately passes to their opponent(s) (this differs from the quondam system where sometimes the serve passes to the doubles partner for what is known equally a "2d serve").

In singles, the server stands in their correct service court when their score is even, and in their left service courtroom when their score is odd.

In doubles, if the serving side wins a rally, the same player continues to serve, merely he/she changes service courts so that she/he serves to a unlike opponent each time. If the opponents win the rally and their new score is even, the actor in the right service court serves; if odd, the actor in the left service court serves. The players' service courts are adamant by their positions at the start of the previous rally, not by where they were standing at the end of the rally. A result of this system is that each time a side regains the service, the server will be the player who did not serve last time.


Each game is played to 21 points, with players scoring a indicate whenever they win a rally regardless of whether they served[13] (this differs from the sometime system where players could only win a betoken on their serve and each game was played to 15 points). A match is the best of three games.

If the score ties at twenty–twenty, then the game continues until one side gains a ii-bespeak pb (such every bit 24–22), except when there is a tie at 29–29, in which the game goes to a golden bespeak of thirty. Whoever scores this point wins the game.

At the offset of a friction match, the shuttlecock is cast and the side towards which the shuttlecock is pointing serves beginning. Alternatively, a money may exist tossed, with the winners choosing whether to serve or receive first, or choosing which end of the courtroom to occupy first, and their opponents making the leftover the remaining pick.

In subsequent games, the winners of the previous game serve first. Matches are all-time out of three: a player or pair must win two games (of 21 points each) to win the match. For the first rally of whatever doubles game, the serving pair may decide who serves and the receiving pair may decide who receives. The players modify ends at the outset of the second game; if the match reaches a third game, they change ends both at the get-go of the game and when the leading player's or pair's score reaches 11 points.


If a let is called, the rally is stopped and replayed with no change to the score. Lets may occur because of some unexpected disturbance such equally a shuttlecock landing on a court (having been hit at that place by players playing in adjacent court) or in pocket-sized halls the shuttle may touch an overhead rails which can be classed as a let.

If the receiver is non set up when the service is delivered, a allow shall be chosen; nevertheless, if the receiver attempts to return the shuttlecock, the receiver shall be judged to have been ready.


Badminton rules restrict the blueprint and size of racquets and shuttlecocks.


Badminton racquets are lightweight, with pinnacle quality racquets weighing between 70 and 95 grams (2.5 and 3.4 ounces) not including grip or strings.[14] [15] They are composed of many different materials ranging from carbon fibre blended (graphite reinforced plastic) to solid steel, which may be augmented past a variety of materials. Carbon fibre has an excellent force to weight ratio, is stiff, and gives first-class kinetic energy transfer. Before the adoption of carbon fibre composite, racquets were made of calorie-free metals such equally aluminium. Before yet, racquets were made of forest. Cheap racquets are still oft made of metals such as steel, simply wooden racquets are no longer manufactured for the ordinary market, considering of their excessive mass and cost. Nowadays, nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes and fullerene are added to racquets giving them greater durability.[ citation needed ]

There is a wide variety of racquet designs, although the laws limit the racquet size and shape. Unlike racquets have playing characteristics that appeal to dissimilar players. The traditional oval caput shape is even so available, only an isometric head shape is increasingly common in new racquets.


Badminton strings for racquets are sparse, loftier-performing strings with thicknesses ranging from virtually 0.62 to 0.73 mm. Thicker strings are more durable, but many players prefer the feel of thinner strings. String tension is normally in the range of eighty to 160 Northward (eighteen to 36 lbf). Recreational players by and large string at lower tensions than professionals, typically betwixt fourscore and 110 N (18 and 25 lbf). Professionals string between near 110 and 160 North (25 and 36 lbf). Some string manufacturers measure the thickness of their strings under tension so they are really thicker than specified when slack. Ashaway Micropower is actually 0.7mm but Yonex BG-66 is well-nigh 0.72mm.

Information technology is often argued that high string tensions better control, whereas low string tensions increase power.[xvi] The arguments for this more often than not rely on rough mechanical reasoning, such equally claiming that a lower tension string bed is more boisterous and therefore provides more ability. This is, in fact, incorrect, for a college cord tension can crusade the shuttle to slide off the racquet and hence brand information technology harder to hit a shot accurately. An alternative view suggests that the optimum tension for power depends on the player:[xiv] the faster and more accurately a player tin swing their racquet, the higher the tension for maximum ability. Neither view has been subjected to a rigorous mechanical analysis, nor is in that location clear testify in favour of ane or the other. The most effective way for a player to observe a skillful cord tension is to experiment.


The option of grip allows a player to increase the thickness of their racquet handle and choose a comfortable surface to concord. A thespian may build up the handle with 1 or several grips earlier applying the concluding layer.

Players may cull between a multifariousness of grip materials. The most common choices are PU synthetic grips or towelling grips. Grip choice is a matter of personal preference. Players often find that sweat becomes a trouble; in this example, a drying agent may be applied to the grip or hands, sweatbands may be used, the thespian may choose another grip material or change their grip more ofttimes.

In that location are ii main types of grip: replacement grips and overgrips. Replacement grips are thicker and are oftentimes used to increase the size of the handle. Overgrips are thinner (less than 1 mm), and are often used as the final layer. Many players, however, prefer to use replacement grips every bit the last layer. Towelling grips are always replacement grips. Replacement grips have an adhesive backing, whereas overgrips accept only a pocket-size patch of agglutinative at the beginning of the tape and must be applied under tension; overgrips are more user-friendly for players who change grips often, because they may be removed more than rapidly without damaging the underlying material.


A shuttlecock with a plastic skirt

A shuttlecock (often abbreviated to shuttle; also called a birdie) is a high-drag projectile, with an open up conical shape: the cone is formed from 16 overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded cork base. The cork is covered with sparse leather or synthetic material. Synthetic shuttles are frequently used past recreational players to reduce their costs as feathered shuttles pause easily. These nylon shuttles may be synthetic with either natural cork or constructed foam base and a plastic skirt.

Badminton rules as well provide for testing a shuttlecock for the correct speed:

iii.i: To exam a shuttlecock, hit a full underhand stroke that makes contact with the shuttlecock over the back purlieus line. The shuttlecock shall be hit at an upwardly bending and in a direction parallel to the sidelines. 3.2: A shuttlecock of the correct speed will state not less than 530 mm and non more than than 990 mm short of the other back boundary line.


Badminton shoes are lightweight with soles of safe or similar loftier-grip, not-mark materials.

Compared to running shoes, badminton shoes have trivial lateral support. High levels of lateral back up are useful for activities where lateral motion is undesirable and unexpected. Badminton, however, requires powerful lateral movements. A highly built-upwards lateral support will not be able to protect the human foot in badminton; instead, it will encourage catastrophic collapse at the point where the shoe's support fails, and the actor's ankles are not ready for the sudden loading, which can cause sprains. For this reason, players should cull badminton shoes rather than general trainers or running shoes, because proper badminton shoes will have a very thin sole, lower a person'due south centre of gravity, and therefore result in fewer injuries. Players should also ensure that they acquire safe and proper footwork, with the genu and foot in alignment on all lunges. This is more than simply a prophylactic business: proper footwork is likewise critical in guild to movement finer around the court.



Badminton offers a wide variety of basic strokes, and players crave a high level of skill to perform all of them effectively. All strokes tin be played either forehand or backhand. A player's forehand side is the aforementioned side as their playing hand: for a right-handed player, the forehand side is their right side and the backhand side is their left side. Forehand strokes are hit with the front of the hand leading (like hit with the palm), whereas backhand strokes are hit with the dorsum of the hand leading (like hitting with the duke). Players oftentimes play sure strokes on the forehand side with a backhand striking activeness, and vice versa.

In the forecourt and midcourt, most strokes can be played every bit effectively on either the forehand or backhand side; but in the rear court, players will attempt to play as many strokes as possible on their forehands, often preferring to play a round-the-head forehand overhead (a forehand "on the backhand side") rather than endeavour a backhand overhead. Playing a backhand overhead has two chief disadvantages. Starting time, the role player must turn their dorsum to their opponents, restricting their view of them and the court. Second, backhand overheads cannot exist hit with as much power every bit forehands: the hitting activity is express by the shoulder joint, which permits a much greater range of movement for a forehand overhead than for a backhand. The backhand articulate is considered by most players and coaches to be the most hard basic stroke in the game, since the precise technique is needed in guild to muster enough power for the shuttlecock to travel the full length of the court. For the aforementioned reason, backhand smashes tend to be weak.

Position of the shuttlecock and receiving player

Japanese player Sayaka Sato prepares for a forehand serve

The choice of stroke depends on how near the shuttlecock is to the net, whether it is above net height, and where an opponent is currently positioned: players have much better attacking options if they can attain the shuttlecock well in a higher place internet superlative, particularly if information technology is also close to the net. In the forecourt, a loftier shuttlecock will exist met with a net impale, hitting it steeply downwards and attempting to win the rally immediately. This is why it is best to drop the shuttlecock just over the internet in this situation. In the midcourt, a high shuttlecock volition commonly be met with a powerful smash, as well hitting downwards and hoping for an outright winner or a weak reply. Athletic bound smashes, where players leap upward for a steeper boom bending, are a common and spectacular element of elite men'southward doubles play. In the rearcourt, players strive to hit the shuttlecock while information technology is withal higher up them, rather than allowing it to drop lower. This overhead hitting allows them to play smashes, clears (hitting the shuttlecock high and to the dorsum of the opponents' court), and drop shots (hitting the shuttlecock softly and so that it falls sharply downwards into the opponents' forecourt). If the shuttlecock has dropped lower, so a smash is incommunicable and a total-length, high clear is hard.

Vertical position of the shuttlecock

When the shuttlecock is well below net pinnacle, players have no pick but to hit upwards. Lifts, where the shuttlecock is striking upwards to the back of the opponents' court, can be played from all parts of the court. If a player does not lift, their only remaining choice is to push button the shuttlecock softly back to the cyberspace: in the forecourt, this is called a net shot; in the midcourt or rear court, it is often called a push or block.

When the shuttlecock is nigh to net height, players tin hit drives, which travel flat and chop-chop over the internet into the opponents' rear midcourt and rear courtroom. Pushes may also be hit flatter, placing the shuttlecock into the front midcourt. Drives and pushes may be played from the midcourt or forecourt, and are most oft used in doubles: they are an attempt to regain the attack, rather than choosing to elevator the shuttlecock and defend against smashes. After a successful drive or push, the opponents volition oft be forced to lift the shuttlecock.


Balls may exist spun to modify their bounce (for case, topspin and backspin in tennis) or trajectory, and players may piece the ball (strike it with an angled racquet face up) to produce such spin. The shuttlecock is non allowed to bounce, only slicing the shuttlecock does have applications in badminton. (See Basic strokes for an explanation of technical terms.)

  • Slicing the shuttlecock from the side may cause it to travel in a different management from the direction suggested by the role player'due south racquet or body motility. This is used to deceive opponents.
  • Slicing the shuttlecock from the side may cause it to follow a slightly curved path (as seen from above), and the deceleration imparted by the spin causes sliced strokes to slow down more suddenly towards the end of their flying path. This can be used to create drop shots and smashes that dip more than steeply later they pass the net.
  • When playing a net shot, slicing underneath the shuttlecock may crusade it to turn over itself (tumble) several times equally it passes the net. This is called a spinning internet shot or tumbling cyberspace shot. The opponent will be unwilling to accost the shuttlecock until it has corrected its orientation.

Due to the way that its feathers overlap, a shuttlecock likewise has a slight natural spin near its axis of rotational symmetry. The spin is in a counter-clockwise direction as seen from higher up when dropping a shuttlecock. This natural spin affects sure strokes: a tumbling net shot is more effective if the slicing action is from right to left, rather than from left to right.[17]


Badminton biomechanics have not been the subject of all-encompassing scientific study, but some studies confirm the minor role of the wrist in ability generation and indicate that the major contributions to power come from internal and external rotations of the upper and lower arm.[18] Contempo guides to the sport thus emphasize forearm rotation rather than wrist movements.[nineteen]

The feathers impart substantial drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate greatly over distance. The shuttlecock is also extremely aerodynamically stable: regardless of initial orientation, information technology volition turn to fly cork-first and remain in the cork-first orientation.

I upshot of the shuttlecock's drag is that it requires considerable power to hitting it the total length of the court, which is non the case for most racquet sports. The elevate also influences the flight path of a lifted (lobbed) shuttlecock: the parabola of its flight is heavily skewed and so that it falls at a steeper angle than information technology rises. With very high serves, the shuttlecock may fifty-fifty fall vertically.

Other factors

When defending against a blast, players have three basic options: lift, block, or drive. In singles, a block to the net is the most common reply. In doubles, a lift is the safest option just it commonly allows the opponents to keep smashing; blocks and drives are counter-attacking strokes only may be intercepted by the smasher'south partner. Many players use a backhand hit activity for returning smashes on both the forehand and backhand sides because backhands are more effective than forehands at roofing smashes directed to the body. Difficult shots directed towards the body are difficult to defend.

The service is restricted by the Laws and presents its own assortment of stroke choices. Unlike in lawn tennis, the server's racquet must exist pointing in a downward direction to evangelize the serve so unremarkably the shuttle must be striking upwards to pass over the net. The server tin choose a low serve into the forecourt (similar a push), or a lift to the dorsum of the service court, or a flat drive serve. Lifted serves may be either loftier serves, where the shuttlecock is lifted so high that it falls almost vertically at the back of the court, or motion picture serves, where the shuttlecock is lifted to a lesser meridian but falls sooner.


In one case players take mastered these basic strokes, they tin can hit the shuttlecock from and to any role of the court, powerfully and softly every bit required. Beyond the basics, withal, badminton offers rich potential for avant-garde stroke skills that provide a competitive advantage. Because badminton players have to encompass a short distance as quickly as possible, the purpose of many advanced strokes is to deceive the opponent, and so that either they are tricked into believing that a dissimilar stroke is beingness played, or they are forced to filibuster their movement until they actually sees the shuttle's management. "Deception" in badminton is often used in both of these senses. When a player is genuinely deceived, they volition often lose the point immediately because they cannot modify their direction speedily enough to reach the shuttlecock. Experienced players will be aware of the trick and cautious not to motion likewise early, but the attempted deception is still useful because it forces the opponent to delay their motility slightly. Against weaker players whose intended strokes are obvious, an experienced actor may move before the shuttlecock has been hit, anticipating the stroke to gain an advantage.

Slicing and using a shortened hitting action are the 2 main technical devices that facilitate deception. Slicing involves hitting the shuttlecock with an angled racquet face, causing it to travel in a dissimilar direction than suggested by the body or arm move. Slicing also causes the shuttlecock to travel more slowly than the arm movement suggests. For example, a good crosscourt sliced drop shot will utilise a hitting activity that suggests a straight clear or a smash, deceiving the opponent almost both the power and management of the shuttlecock. A more sophisticated slicing action involves brushing the strings effectually the shuttlecock during the hit, in order to make the shuttlecock spin. This can be used to better the shuttle's trajectory, by making it dip more chop-chop every bit information technology passes the internet; for case, a sliced low serve can travel slightly faster than a normal depression serve, yet land on the same spot. Spinning the shuttlecock is besides used to create spinning cyberspace shots (also called tumbling cyberspace shots), in which the shuttlecock turns over itself several times (tumbles) before stabilizing; sometimes the shuttlecock remains inverted instead of tumbling. The main advantage of a spinning net shot is that the opponent volition exist unwilling to address the shuttlecock until information technology has stopped tumbling, since striking the feathers will result in an unpredictable stroke. Spinning net shots are especially of import for high-level singles players.

The lightness of modern racquets allows players to use a very short hitting activeness for many strokes, thereby maintaining the option to striking a powerful or a soft stroke until the last possible moment. For example, a singles player may hold their racquet set up for a net shot, only then flick the shuttlecock to the back instead with a shallow lift when they discover the opponent has moved before the bodily shot was played. A shallow lift takes less time to reach the ground and every bit mentioned in a higher place a rally is over when the shuttlecock touches the ground. This makes the opponent'south task of covering the whole court much more than difficult than if the elevator was hit higher and with a bigger, obvious swing. A short hitting action is not just useful for deception: information technology also allows the player to striking powerful strokes when they have no time for a big arm swing. A big arm swing is also usually not advised in badminton considering bigger swings make information technology more difficult to recover for the next shot in fast exchanges. The use of grip tightening is crucial to these techniques, and is often described as finger ability. Elite players develop finger power to the extent that they tin hit some power strokes, such equally net kills, with less than a 10 centimetres (iv inches) racquet swing.

It is besides possible to reverse this style of charade, by suggesting a powerful stroke before slowing downwards the striking action to play a soft stroke. In general, this latter mode of deception is more than common in the rear court (for example, drop shots disguised as smashes), whereas the former mode is more common in the forecourt and midcourt (for example, lifts disguised equally internet shots).

Deception is not limited to slicing and short hitting actions. Players may also apply double motility, where they make an initial racquet motility in one management earlier withdrawing the racquet to hitting in some other direction. Players volition often do this to send opponents in the wrong management. The racquet movement is typically used to suggest a directly angle but then play the stroke crosscourt, or vice versa. Triple move is also possible, just this is very rare in actual play. An alternative to double move is to use a racquet head fake, where the initial motion is continued just the racquet is turned during the hit. This produces a smaller modify in direction but does not require as much time.


To win in badminton, players need to employ a broad variety of strokes in the right situations. These range from powerful jumping smashes to delicate tumbling net returns. Often rallies finish with a nail, just setting up the smash requires subtler strokes. For example, a net shot tin can force the opponent to lift the shuttlecock, which gives an opportunity to nail. If the net shot is tight and tumbling, then the opponent'south elevator will not achieve the back of the courtroom, which makes the subsequent boom much harder to return.

Deception is also important. Expert players prepare for many different strokes that look identical and employ slicing to deceive their opponents about the speed or direction of the stroke. If an opponent tries to anticipate the stroke, they may motility in the wrong management and may be unable to modify their trunk momentum in fourth dimension to attain the shuttlecock.


Since one person needs to encompass the entire court, singles tactics are based on forcing the opponent to move as much as possible; this means that singles strokes are normally directed to the corners of the court. Players exploit the length of the courtroom by combining lifts and clears with driblet shots and internet shots. Smashing tends to be less prominent in singles than in doubles because the smasher has no partner to follow up their effort and is thus vulnerable to a skillfully placed return. Moreover, frequent nifty can be exhausting in singles where the conservation of a player'southward energy is at a premium. Still, players with strong smashes will sometimes use the shot to create openings, and players commonly smash weak returns to try to end rallies.

In singles, players volition oft start the rally with a forehand high serve or with a flick serve. Depression serves are as well used frequently, either forehand or backhand. Drive serves are rare.

At high levels of play, singles demand extraordinary fitness. Singles is a game of patient positional manoeuvring, unlike the all-out aggression of doubles.[twenty]


Both pairs will endeavor to gain and maintain the assault, smashing downwards when the opportunity arises. Whenever possible, a pair volition prefer an ideal attacking formation with one player striking downwardly from the rear courtroom, and their partner in the midcourt intercepting all smash returns except the lift. If the rear court attacker plays a drop shot, their partner volition movement into the forecourt to threaten the net respond. If a pair cannot hit downwardly, they volition employ apartment strokes in an try to proceeds the assault. If a pair is forced to lift or articulate the shuttlecock, then they must defend: they volition prefer a side-past-side position in the rear midcourt, to cover the full width of their court against the opponents' smashes. In doubles, players mostly smash to the heart ground betwixt two players in guild to take advantage of confusion and clashes.

At loftier levels of play, the backhand serve has become pop to the extent that forehand serves have become fairly rare at a loftier level of play. The directly low serve is used near frequently, in an try to forestall the opponents gaining the assail immediately. Flick serves are used to preclude the opponent from anticipating the low serve and attacking it decisively.

At high levels of play, doubles rallies are extremely fast. Men's doubles are the most aggressive form of badminton, with a high proportion of powerful jump smashes and very quick reflex exchanges. Because of this, spectator interest is sometimes greater for men'south doubles than for singles.

Mixed doubles

The 2012 Olympic mixed doubles final in London

In mixed doubles, both pairs typically attempt to maintain an attacking formation with the woman at the front and the human being at the back. This is considering the male players are usually substantially stronger, and can, therefore, produce smashes that are more powerful. As a result, mixed doubles require greater tactical awareness and subtler positional play. Clever opponents will endeavour to opposite the platonic position, by forcing the adult female towards the back or the man towards the front. In order to protect against this danger, mixed players must exist careful and systematic in their shot option.[21]

At high levels of play, the formations volition generally be more flexible: the top women players are capable of playing powerfully from the dorsum-court, and will happily exercise and then if required. When the opportunity arises, however, the pair will switch back to the standard mixed attacking position, with the woman in front and men in the back.


Governing bodies

The Badminton World Federation (BWF) is the internationally recognized governing body of the sport responsible for the regulation of tournaments and approaching fair play. Five regional confederations are associated with the BWF:

  • Asia: Badminton Asia Confederation (BAC)
  • Africa: Badminton Confederation of Africa (BCA)
  • Americas: Badminton Pan Am (North America and Southward America vest to the same confederation; BPA)
  • Europe: Badminton Europe (Be)
  • Oceania: Badminton Oceania (BO)


A men's doubles match. The blue lines are those for the badminton courtroom. The other coloured lines denote uses for other sports – such complexity being mutual in multi-employ sports halls.

The BWF organizes several international competitions, including the Thomas Loving cup, the premier men'due south international squad event first held in 1948–1949, and the Uber Loving cup, the women's equivalent first held in 1956–1957. The competitions at present take identify once every ii years. More than 50 national teams compete in qualifying tournaments within continental confederations for a place in the finals. The final tournament involves 12 teams, post-obit an increase from eight teams in 2004. It was further increased to 16 teams in 2012.[22]

The Sudirman Cup, a gender-mixed international team event held in one case every two years, began in 1989. Teams are divided into seven levels based on the performance of each state. To win the tournament, a country must perform well across all five disciplines (men's doubles and singles, women'due south doubles and singles, and mixed doubles). Similar clan football game (soccer), information technology features a promotion and relegation system at every level. However, the organisation was last used in 2009 and teams competing will now exist grouped by world rankings.[23]

Badminton was a demonstration event at the 1972 and 1988 Summer Olympics. It became an official Summer Olympic sport at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and its gilt medals now mostly rate as the sport's most coveted prizes for individual players.

In the BWF Earth Championships, commencement held in 1977, currently only the highest-ranked 64 players in the world, and a maximum of four from each land can participate in any category. In both the Olympic and BWF World competitions restrictions on the number of participants from whatsoever one country take caused some controversy because they sometimes issue in excluding aristocracy world level players from the strongest badminton nations. The Thomas, Uber, and Sudirman Cups, the Olympics, and the BWF World (and World Junior Championships), are all categorized as level one tournaments.

At the offset of 2007, the BWF introduced a new tournament structure for the highest level tournaments aside from those in level ane: the BWF Super Series. This level two tournament series, a tour for the world's elite players, stage twelve open tournaments around the world with 32 players (half the previous limit). The players collect points that determine whether they can play in Super Serial Finals held at the year-end. Among the tournaments in this series is the venerable All-England Championships, first held in 1900, which was once considered the unofficial world championships of the sport.[24]

Level three tournaments consist of Chiliad Prix Gilt and Grand Prix event. Top players tin can collect the globe ranking points and enable them to play in the BWF Super Series open tournaments. These include the regional competitions in Asia (Badminton Asia Championships) and Europe (European Badminton Championships), which produce the world's best players as well as the Pan America Badminton Championships.

The level four tournaments, known as International Challenge, International Series, and Future Series, encourage participation by junior players.[25]

Comparison with tennis

Badminton is frequently compared to lawn tennis due to several qualities. The post-obit is a listing of manifest differences:

  • Scoring: In badminton, a match is played all-time 2 of 3 games, with each game played upward to 21 points. In tennis a match is played all-time of 3 or 5 sets, each set consisting of 6 games and each game ends when one player wins four points or wins two sequent points at deuce points. If both teams are tied at "game signal", they must play until one team achieves a ii-point advantage. Still, at 29–all, whoever scores the gold point will win. In lawn tennis, if the score is tied 6–6 in a set, a tiebreaker will be played, which ends once a player reaches 7 points or when one player has a two-betoken advantage.
  • In tennis, the ball may bounce once before the point ends; in badminton, the rally ends once the shuttlecock touches the floor.
  • In lawn tennis, the serve is dominant to the extent that the server is expected to win virtually of their service games (at advanced level & onwards); a break of service, where the server loses the game, is of major importance in a lucifer. In badminton, a server has far less an reward and is unlikely to score an ace (unreturnable serve).
  • In lawn tennis, the server has ii chances to hit a serve into the service box; in badminton, the server is allowed only one attempt.
  • A tennis court is approximately twice the length and width of a badminton court.
  • Tennis racquets are almost 4 times as heavy as badminton racquets, 10 to 12 ounces (280 to 340 grams) versus ii to three ounces (57 to 85 grams).[26] [27] Tennis balls are more than eleven times heavier than shuttlecocks, 57 grams (2.0 ounces) versus five grams (0.18 ounces).[28] [29]
  • The fastest recorded lawn tennis stroke is Samuel Groth's 163.4 miles per hour (263 kilometres per hour) serve,[30] whereas the fastest badminton stroke during gameplay was Mads Pieler Kolding's 264.7 miles per hour (426 kilometres per hr) recorded blast at a Badminton Premier League match.[31]

Statistics such as the smash speed, in a higher place, prompt badminton enthusiasts to make other comparisons that are more contentious. For example, it is oftentimes claimed that badminton is the fastest racquet sport.[32] Although badminton holds the record for the fastest initial speed of a racquet sports projectile, the shuttlecock decelerates essentially faster than other projectiles such every bit lawn tennis balls. In turn, this qualification must be qualified by consideration of the distance over which the shuttlecock travels: a smashed shuttlecock travels a shorter distance than a tennis ball during a serve.

While fans of badminton and tennis often claim that their sport is the more physically demanding, such comparisons are difficult to make objectively because of the differing demands of the games. No formal written report currently exists evaluating the physical condition of the players or demands during gameplay.

Badminton and tennis techniques differ essentially. The lightness of the shuttlecock and of badminton racquets allow badminton players to make use of the wrist and fingers much more than than tennis players; in lawn tennis, the wrist is commonly held stable, and playing with a mobile wrist may lead to injury. For the same reasons, badminton players can generate ability from a curt racquet swing: for some strokes such as net kills, an elite player's swing may exist less than 5 centimetres (2 inches). For strokes that require more ability, a longer swing will typically be used, just the badminton racquet swing volition rarely be as long every bit a typical tennis swing.

Run into too

  • Brawl badminton
  • Hanetsuki
  • List of racquet sports
  • Speed badminton


  1. ^ Other related sports include Hanetsuki, which originated in Japan.
  2. ^ Confronting this, Downey claims that the commencement rules were drawn upwardly at Karachi in 1877.[eleven]
  3. ^ 6 Waverley Grove, Portsmouth, England.[12]
  1. ^ Boga (2008).
  2. ^ "Olympic Badminton The Olympic Journey". bwfbadminton.com. Badminton World Federation. Retrieved 10 February 2018.
  3. ^ Grice (2008).
  4. ^ a b c d EB (1878).
  5. ^ a b c d EB (1911).
  6. ^ a b c d Adams (1980).
  7. ^ a b "badminton, n.", Oxford English Dictionary
  8. ^ a b Guillain (2004), p. 47.
  9. ^ "Virtually Game", Brawl Badminton Federation of Bharat, 2008, archived from the original on 7 July 2011, retrieved 7 July 2011
  10. ^ Connors, et al. (1991), p. 195.
  11. ^ Downey (1982), p. 13.
  12. ^ a b "The History of Badminton: Foundation of the BAE and Codified of the Rules", World Badminton
  13. ^ a b c "Laws of Badminton". Badminton Earth Federation. Archived from the original on 8 January 2017. Retrieved 29 Baronial 2010.
  14. ^ a b Kwun (28 Feb 2005). "Badminton Central Guide to choosing Badminton Equipment". BadmintonCentral.com. Archived from the original on eleven March 2007.
  15. ^ "SL-70". Karakal. Archived from the original on 16 October 2007.
  16. ^ "String tension relating to ability and command". Prospeed. Archived from the original on 28 October 2007.
  17. ^ "The Spin Doctor", Power & Precision Magazine, July 2006
  18. ^ Kim (2002).
  19. ^ "Badminton Technique", Badminton England "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 17 April 2008. Retrieved six December 2015. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived re-create as title (link)
  20. ^ "Rules of Badminton". Retrieved thirteen June 2017.
  21. ^ Kumekawa, Eugene (21 March 2014). "Badminton Strategies and Tactics for the Novice and Recreational Player". BadmintonPlanet.
  22. ^ "Thomas and Uber Cups increased to 16 teams". sportskeeda.com. eleven June 2012. Retrieved 25 June 2017.
  23. ^ Sachetat, Raphaël. "Sudirman Loving cup to Change Format". Badzine. Archived from the original on 31 January 2018. Retrieved 30 March 2017.
  24. ^ "Badminton Federation Announces 12-event Series", International Herald Tribune, Associated Press, 23 September 2006, archived from the original on 25 September 2015, retrieved 25 October 2008 {{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL condition unknown (link)
  25. ^ "New Tournament Structure", International Badminton Federation, 20 July 2006, archived from the original on 29 September 2007 .
  26. ^ "What is the ideal weight for a tennis racquet?". About.com. Retrieved 6 December 2015.
  27. ^ "The contribution of technology on badminton rackets". Prospeed. Archived from the original on 11 Oct 2007.
  28. ^ Azeez, Shefiu (2000). "Mass of a Tennis Brawl". Hypertextbook.
  29. ^ Chiliad. McCreary, Kathleen (5 May 2005). "A Study of the Motion of a Free Falling Shuttlecock" (PDF). The College of Wooster. Archived from the original (PDF) on xiv June 2007. http://physics.wooster.edu/JrIS/Files/McCreary.pdf
  30. ^ "Aussie smashes lawn tennis serve speed record". The Sydney Morning Herald . Retrieved xiii May 2012.
  31. ^ "Fastest badminton hitting in competition (male)". Retrieved eight July 2019.
  32. ^ "WHAT IS BADMINTON". Badminton Oceania . Retrieved 18 February 2022.


  • Adams, Bernard (1980), The Badminton Story, BBC Books, ISBN0563164654
  • Boga, Steve (2008), Badminton, Paw Prints, ISBN978-1439504789
  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911), "Badminton (game)", Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 3 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press, p. 189
  • Connors, 1000.; Dupuis, D.Fifty.; Morgan, B. (1991), The Olympics Factbook: A Spectator'due south Guide to the Winter and Summer Games, Visible Ink Press, ISBN0-8103-9417-0 .
  • Downey, Jake (1982), Better Badminton for All, Pelham Books, ISBN978-0-7207-1438-8 .
  • Grice, Tony (2008), Badminton: Steps to Success, Human being Kinetics, ISBN978-0-7360-7229-8
  • Guillain, Jean-Yves (2004), Badminton: An Illustrated History, Publibook, ISBN2-7483-0572-8
  • Jones, Henry (1878), "Badminton", in Baynes, T. S. (ed.), Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 3 (ninth ed.), New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, p. 228
  • Kim, Wangdo (2002), An Analysis of the Biomechanics of Arm Movement During a Badminton Smash (PDF), Nanyang Technological University, archived from the original on 2 October 2008 {{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link).

External links

  • Badminton at Curlie
  • Badminton World Federation
    • Laws of Badminton
    • Simplified Rules
  • Badminton Asia Confederation
  • Badminton Pan Am
  • Badminton Oceania
  • Badminton Europe
  • Badminton Confederation of Africa

what are the movementsfor badminton playing

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